I remember singing, "I'm blue da-ba-dee-da-ba-da" as a kid to some song that came on the radio and became popular fairly quickly. You may remember this song. I liked it because it was catchy and fun to sing, and because it was about my favorite color, blue!
The words I recall are something like this:
Blue his house, with the blue little window
and the blue Corvette
and everything he sees is just blue, like him
inside and outside
This guy lives in a world that is always blue, always the same color. No variation in what he sees or does every day.
As an adult, I have found a deeper meaning than just a song about blue. and I realize how much I relate to it.
I used to live in a world full of blue. I never had the chance to really see anything different. And I liked it that way. I knew what to expect. Blue was constant, predictable, unwavering. And for me, and I suspect most humans, knowing what to expect is very comforting. It's easy that way.
Cooper introduced me to a whole array of colors that I never knew existed. And with those colors I have been tossed into a new world. My world is no longer just blue. It's blue, purple, red, orange, green, yellow, pink, some colors I have never even heard of. And within each color, there are different shades to discover. Full of unknowns, mysteries, and personal growth beyond anything I have ever experienced.
This new world is not as comforting as the old one I knew. It has stretched me. It has opened my eyes to new places and new people. New ways of living and thinking. The constants of the blue world are still there, just faded into the background and sort of meshed into a colorful tapestry that I didn't create and didn't want to be a part of, but someone, somewhere stitched me in anyways.
If I'm honest, there are times I don't want to be a part of this new world because it can be hard to take in so much.
But, in the Holmes house, we wake up every day, and we continue on. We play our small part in our new world of color. We work hard. We don't quit. We learn and grow and try to find the goodness. And we're grateful to whoever decided that we should step out of the blue world and into the ever changing, ever growing, ever loving world of many colors.